Stephanie Tracy
Stephanie Tracy graduated from Queen’s University with a Bachelor of Science in Engineering Physics followed by a Master of Science in Mechanical and Materials Engineering. She joined Kinectrics as a Project Manager in 2006, working on life extension programs for CANDU nuclear reactors. In 2012 she moved into the pipeline industry at EVRAZ North America as a technical specialist where she negotiated technical agreements for manufacturing of high-profile line pipe projects such as Trans Mountain Expansion. She is currently the Program Manager for the federal pipeline materials research and development program within the Department of Natural Resources.
She represents Canada on the Executive Committee for the International Energy Agency’s Hydrogen Technical Collaboration Program and is active within the Canadian Pipeline community as a member of the Technical Committee for CSA Z662 Oil and gas pipeline systems and CSA Z624/625 Well integrity standards. She is also a co-chair of the Infrastructure Working Group under the Hydrogen Strategy for Canada.